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Hypnobirthing "The Essentials" Course - Reading

Intensive 4 hour Hypnobirthing Course taught over 2 sessions (2 hours each) 


Venue: Private 1:1 Course to be arranged directly with Amelie


My intensive hypnobirthing "The Essentials" course covers all the key elemtents of a Hypnobirthing course providing you with tools to use during Labour & Birth and helping to alleviate fear and instead look forward positively towards your baby's upcoming birth. This course is perfect if you've discovered hypnobirthing late on during your pregnancy but would like to use some of the tools during your labour. 


Price: £199


Session 1: Introduction to Hypnobirthing & The Fear-Tension-Pain cycle, Creating a positive birthing mindset & Birth hormones. Practising relaxation techniques, Calm breathing & visualisation and how this can make a difference. 


Session 2: Creating Anchors & how to build these into everyday life, Massage, Making Decisions, BRAIN, the birth process including the Birth Partners role, Birth Breathing and introducing Birth Preferences. 


Each session will end with a Relaxation Script & a suggestion of ways to incorporate the Hypnobirthing practice around their lives. 


Ideal for women 34 weeks pregnant+




1 space Available for October Course


2 spaces Available for November Course


2 spaces Available for December Course


2 spaces Available for January Course


2 spaces Available for February Course


2 spaces Available for March Course


2 spaces Available for April Course

Hypnobirthing "The Essentials" Course - Reading

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