Antenatal Classes For First Time Parents
Venue: St Peter's Maidenehad SL6 7QU
A relaxed and friendly, informative five session course taught by one of our wonderful FEDANT accredited Birth & Parent Coaches ( who will also be the font of all knowledge when it comes to your local birth services).
You'll get all the latest stats based research, plenty of parenting insights and life hacks presented and discussed with you in an honest and unbiased forum. To mix it up we keep it interactive (note no cringe inducing role play) and throw in a good dose of humour! Not to mention a constant supply of delicious refreshments and an array of socials with your newly made gang of friends.
Includes a Delicious Before Noon Tea and Goody bag
*Optional extra Baby & Child First Aid Course run by Mini First Aid - ask at time of booking for prices and more info*
You will have FUN, we promise.
Session 1: Staying healthy, Labour & Birth - 4hrs
Session 2: Taking your Baby Home - 2.5 hrs
Session 3: Boobs, Bottles & Sleep - 2.5 hrs
Session 4: Before Noon Tea - Mumma’s - 1.5 hrs
Session 5: The Partner Diaries - Partners - 1hr
Birth & Early Days Preparation - Marlow & Maidenhead
Course Dates
Session 1: 22nd Apr 2023 (1pm-5pm)
Session 2: 25th Apr 2023 (6.30pm-9pm)
Session 3: 29th Apr 2023 (1-3.30pm)
Session 4: 30th Apr 2023 (11am-1pm) - Mumma's only
Session 5: 2nd May 2023 (7-8pm) - Partners only