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Partners & Awards

Welcome to the Modern Antenatal Revolution ... Informed, Informal, Inclusive classes with ZERO judgement.
You’ll be coming to get the WHOLE story
We believe that in order to be fully informed and prepared for anything in life it’s important to have both sides of the story. That’s why our course content has been created by experts and parents to ensure that we haven’t missed any important chapters out.
We cover everything that having a baby brings, both practically, physically, mentally and emotionally.
We’ll demystify the overwhelming amount of information and break it down into everyday language that doesn’t leave your mind boggling, giving you both sides of the story from both a clinical angle as well as the lived experience of parents.
Our classes have been expertly designed to work online as well as in person - this gives us the flexibility we need to cater for any type of restrictions. Importantly - where we have to meet online we still keep it local - so you'll feel supported and connected to your local network of friends and Birth & Parent Coach no matter what the format.
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Fun & Empowering - not stuffy or preachy
Evidence based research
Practical parent experience and life-hacks
NO dull, dreary sleep inducing opinions - we PROMISE!
YOUR Body. YOUR Baby. YOUR Choice.
We help you to confidently trust your instincts to make informed decisions that are right for you and to advocate for them no matter what path your birth or parenting journey takes.
We'll cover every eventuality with ZERO judgement.

We won't leave anyone or anything out
Realistic preparation for every birth journey and early days scenario, for everyone. We are truly inclusive of all partners and their crucial role.
Partners get their very own Q&A forum with a recent parent during 'The Partner Diaries' session - offering plenty of realistic hands on experience and practical tips for birth partners.

Positive Wellbeing starts here
We focus as much on the birth of parents as we do babies. Your mental and emotional wellbeing is paramount and we will ensure that you are prepared both individually and as a couple to deal with this next exciting chapter in your life.
Plus FREE premium subscription for all parents whilst attending any of our courses to Nourish - the No.1 Wellbeing app for parents- selfcare in your pocket!

We won't leave you holding the baby
Our classes don't stop before your baby arrives when you really need support the most - we’ll hold your hand right through.
Find out more about our postnatal Early Days Sanctuary here.
Sign up here for news on classes in your area and the option for a FREE consultation with a Birth & Parent Coach!
So you’ve just found out you're pregnant? Maybe a little further along? Feeling all the feels? Excited, nervous, anxious - probably a combination of all three? 100% normal- and we’re here for you. We guarantee you a very warm welcome and safe space to talk with ZERO judgement.
Maybe you're a little further along - it's never too late to get prepared and empowered and importantly feel heard and supported- whatever your journey, whatever your choices.
We can't wait to meet you!